Body Composition Analysis

Our Seca Body Composition Analyser is a medical grade analyser that is completely none invasive and can provide highly accurate body measurements in a very short period of time. We can precisely calculate your body fat and muscle mass in each area of your body. This helps us provide a baseline for clients and something to reliably compare back to in the future after a nutrition and/or training intervention.


If you’re not assessing you’re guessing.


What is BIA & how does it work?

Watch the video to find out or scroll down to read more.


What does it measure?

  • Body Fat (kg)

  • Body Fat (Percentage)

  • Muscle Mass (Arms, Legs, Core)

  • Phase Angle (Recovery + Health)

  • Hydration Levels

  • Research Grade Machine



Body Fat (kg)

This measures all of your body fat, not just subcutaneous (under skin) or visceral (belly) fat. For example you may find that your tape measurements haven’t improved, but internal organ fat has reduced and therefore you have improved metabolic health.


Phase Angle

This measurement correlates with the nutritional and functional (metabolic) status of individuals cells. This takes into account your general health based on your nutrition, sleep, stress, recovery, and disease status.

Body Fat (%)

This is your body fat percentage, which is an important indicator of your health and current body composition, as if muscle mass increases and fat mass stays the same, your body fat % will improve. We can help advise on what % to aim for.



When assessing your body composition, hydration and water in the body can affect your bodyweight and other measurements. This can help us assess your hydration status and how this impacts your other measurements to track true progress.

Muscle Mass (kg)

This is a crucial measurement everyone should be monitoring, we can also distinguish between left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, and trunk muscle mass. Generally speaking the more muscle mass the better for your health and body composition.


VAT Score

The amount of belly fat you have (visceral adipose tissue) correlates to many different cardiometabolic diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and liver disease. This is part of our assessment to monitor progress.

Seca Report.

This medical grade machine will provide a highly accurate report with all your data.


You can book an optional consultation to discuss results & recommendations.

Other Services.


Your Training Plan

  • Video library for all exercises

  • Get email workout reminders

  • Log all your exercises & weights

  • Detailed sets, reps, rest, tempo

Click on the relevant button below to find out more ⬇️

Monthly GLBH Program.

  • Health & Fat Loss Program

  • App Based Training Plan

  • Straight to the point nutritional advice

  • Research backed methods

  • Other important lifestyle factors

  • Reprogramming your understanding of health & idiotic diet culture


Program Options.

We offer a wide range of services to meet everyone’s needs. From online program’s to highly individualised or 1:1 coaching either face-to-face or online. Click the drop down’s to see the different packages we offer.

  • This is your highly individualised training program. You get a 1:1 consultation with our expert coaches which enables them to build you a bespoke training program and includes all of the core features.

  • These are our regular weekly small group coaching sessions either face-to-face or online for people who want that extra level of coaching without the 1:1 price tag. We provide expert coaches to guide you every step of the way.

  • We offer weekly or bi-weekly coaching options either face-to-face or online for people who want that extra level of support. We provide expert coaches to guide you every step of the way.

